Library being the heart an educational institution and JRSET college of Law may take pride in it, because it has well equipped, well managed and professionally library developed within a very short span of time. The institution subscribes to a good number of Law Journals.
The library is run by a well qualified librarian. They are quite able to help the student with their needs.

She has obtained B.A from Kalyani University, B.LibSc from NSOU, M. LibSC from KSOU and M.A from NSOU. She was acting as a Librarian at Suniti Educational Trust (B.Ed) College from 2010 to 2015 and also at JRSET College of Education (B.Ed) for 1 year.
At present she is acting as a Librarian at this College from 2018.

MR. SANJOY BISWAS –Assistant Librarian
He has obtained B.A (H) from Kalyani University, B.LibSc from NSOU, M.LibSC from NSOU.
At present he is acting as Assistant Librarian at this College from 2021.

MRS. MAMONI BISWAS – Librarian Assistant
She has obtained H.S from W.B.C.H.S.E in the year 2014
At present she is acting as Librarian Assistant at this College from 2021.

MR. RIPON BALA – Assistant Librarian
He has obtained B.A (H) from Kalyani University, M.A from Kalyani University, B.Ed from Bhopal University and M. Ed from NSOU.
At present he is acting as Librarian Assistant at this College from 2023.
Library remains open from 10am to 5.30 pm on all working days
1. Library cards will have to be shown at the time of entering the library.
2. Unauthorized / non-member of the library shall have no access to the library.
3. No bags / folders are allowed inside the library
4. The library cards are non transferable
5. Talking, smoking, use of mobile phone, taking food, accessing face book and personal mail are not allowed within the library
6. In case of loss / damage of library card, a duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/-
7. Late fee for retaining books beyond due date will be imposed of Rs. 1 (one) per day
8. The students will be allowed (2) two book at a time for a period of 15 (fifteen) days
9. The faculty members will be allowed two (02) books at a time.
10. Persons found guilty of losing / damaging or mutilating library books shall be liable to compensate the library by replacing a new copy at the market rate
11. Final year students are directed to return their library books before form fill-up and taking no objection certificate
12. A student who is enjoying the book-bank facility is directed to return their library books at the end of his/her semester and taking no objection certificate
13. If books are borrowed by library members but not returned in spite of reminders, the matter shall be reported to the library committee for necessary action
14. Faculty members (substantive / contractual / part time/guest) are bound to collect his/her library clearance certificate from the library, at the time of retirement/resignation/transfer
15. It is mandatory for every student to collect his/her library clearance certificate from the library at the end of his/her course/semester